
Ceramic Water Activation Module "Kangen" is Installed at Various Locations

Installed Cases

Apartment, Office and House

New Apartment (Turumi-ku, Yokohama City)

To prevent rust water, two SW-590s were installed.

Overview of apartment

At a water tank, two SW-590s are installed

Restaurant, Commercial Facility

Family Restaurant (Honzyo City, Saitama)

Since water in Honzyo area is hard water, scale was adhered on all cookers and food warmers. And water stains remained on the cups and glasses even if they had been washed by washing machine, making customers unpleasant. To improve scale, stain and rust in the kitchen as well as freshness of food and smell of toilet, SW-590 was installed at main cock.

Overview of restaurant

SW-590 was installed at main cock

Hand Made Soba Restaurant "Norikura" (Toshima-ku, Tokyo)

The owner of Norikura requested Ley Line (Geo Field) Correction and the installation of Kangen: SW-60 to make the restaurant a healing space.

Please visit this restaurant. The taste of Soba will be different!

G-Navi link

Address: 3-29-15 Takada Toshima-ku Tokyo Tel: 03-3986-3377

Overview of restaurant

SW-60 was installed at main cock

Hospital and Care Facility

Saito Midwifery http://www.sanbahouse.com

Dr. Saito wanted mothers to give birth at a place with good energy and lots of minus ion. She requested Ley Line (Geo Field) correction before the construction of facility. At the facility, tourmaline sheets were placed on the ceiling, wall and floor. Also SW-590 is installed to provide safe water to infants and mothers.

Overview of midwifery

Installed SW-590

Other Comments Often Provided at Hospitals and Care Facilities

  • Smell of hospital was reduced
  • Smell of patients was reduced
  • Drinking water became tasty
  • Rusting water was stopped
  • Nurses became less tired

Farming, Animal Husbandry and Dairy Husbandry

Shiitake Growth

  • Planted woods came to be used 7-8 times and each growth became as good as the first budbreak
  • Came not to supply nutritional supplement
  • Disease damage reduced. Shipping volume increased
  • "A" class products were increased

Livestock Processing Facility

  • Black mold and smell in the facility were reduced
  • Freshness and taste of processed meat improved
  • Germs attached to the meat decreased

At the facility, a comparison test was conducted by dipping beef for one week into normal tap water and Kangen water.
Tap water: 45,00 germs
Kangen water: 2,500 germs
As the result, there was 95% difference.


   Copyrights 2009 , The Institute of Cosmic Energy, Japan